Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Project Fame ... Why?

Not to be political or unduly sinical, but I wonder, why would I queu up for an unmentionable number of hours waiting in line to get a chance to perform at TPF after having seen the non-starter performances of my would be predecessors?

Don't get me wrong. I think it's a great idea and that Eastern Africa has a lot of potential but is TPF geting the best? Perhaps they're just doing what they can.


Mama said...

Why? You ask? For fame of course. To get into the much 'coveted' circle of 'kenyan celebrities'!

Others just want to be on tv :-) at least for once and this affords them the opportunity.

willpress said...

Well, the long queues are part of most talent would take forever if everyone showed up at their own time hehe.

But as Mama says many are just there to be seenon TV...even Koome wa The Presenter lined up for Project Fame didn't he?

Digzer said...

Ma is the 15 minutes worth it ... Really? Guess it makes one a celeb in their immediete circle.

Will and how did both events turn out for Koome? I recognize him when I see him, yes, but that's just about it ... And the young wonder winner is yet to be unveiled on the public by KTN ...

But I guess you're both right ... It's the promise of fame and fortune