Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Of Idiots & Pick-up Lines

So the other day I was walking the short distance from a supermarket to my home in the evening after work. It had been a tough day and I was just generally tired and in need of my warm bed and the opportunity to flip the pages of the thrilling book I had been reading.

As I walked along, my mind lost in my own thoughts and listening to music from my phone through earphones, I became aware of a vehicle that was crawling along beside me. Realising that the guy behind the wheel was trying to get my attention, I unplugged my ears ready to give directions to whatever place he was looking for.

"You look tired," was his opening line and I thought to myself 'Oh brother'.

"That's beacause I am," I said.

"I bought some chicken for dinner today," was his second statment. "Why don't you come along and we could share the meal together?"

I mean really! What kind of pick up line is that? In what parallel universe would some poor damsel be so thrilled as to receive an invitation for chicken (which by the looks of the guy she might have had to cook) that she'd jump into a stranger's car, poverty notwithstanding. Is this what the Kenyan woman searching for a relationship has to contend with? Really! Needless to say I got rid of him through one brief statement but as I walked along I shook my head in wonder.

I have chicken! Eish!


Acolyte said...

Those lines were weak, last week! Good thing you kept on walking!

Disco Muthenya said...

i would laugh but the truth is that IS what we have to contend with daily in our lives guys who think that such statements are incitement enough to get us interested. now that you've had a small glimpse a champion for the liberation of women from suffering silly pompus dudes!if nothing else at least you know you're considered attractive both ways...!

Disco Muthenya said...

my bad....blush....i clearly misread that one! sorry dear it happens to all of us!

Prousette said...

Whatever happened to good ol' lines like you look familiar have I seen you somewhere...? LOL!

Digzer said...

@Acolyte: It was all I could do not to lift up my skirts and run away!

@Disco: It's my misleading name so your forgiven. Perhaps we should have a support group titled DA - Darted Anonymous!

@Prousette: You know! Even that tired one of you've been running through my mind all day is better.

The cost of womanhood!

Nakeel said...

And he still thinks he can win with those lines. Lool dead ones.

Pete R Njenga said...

Reminds me of Glen Quagmire with "Hey there. You look like a parking ticket coz you've got FINE written all over you." Or this other one "Lose the zero, get with the hero."
Some picking lines are so damn lame, I agree!

Digzer said...

@ Nakeel, that's actually the worst part ... that he thought he was making a decent play at my attentions!

@ Pete at least the Parking ticket one would leave you entertained! lol