But seriously ... I get home early on Monday evening waiting to take part in the civic duty that doesn't involve standing in interminable queues or being robbed blind in the name of tax. I've sat pretty, scared of leaving the house too long lest they come while I'm out. I even went to bed late and got up early leo. Nothing. I chose to dash out to get something to eat and was dumbfoubded to find that some of my neighbours doors had chalk marks. I asked the watchie who tells me that the enumerators stopped at some 5 odd houses (out of 20) at around 7:30pm and left with a promise to return ... Hasn't happened.
Why would some houses be counted and not others? Sounds to me like a ploy to seat back and fill out statistics at a local bar ...
Have you been counted?
Ok... that sucks. Esp the waiting.
You and I know this census thing is a big joke!
I have been counted but no one else in my house has. Aki this is money that could have been spent productively elsewhere.
I'm still waiting. I'm told they were in my neighborhood juzi so i figured it made sense they'd get to mines yesterday. Nothing happened.
Ati people are saying if one is not counted then he/she should haul her/his ass and go to the local chief and get counted there. Not me.
I got counted.
Not yet Uhuru. No one's come to ask me if I own a yatch :-(
KK it's quite terrible. Keep hearing imaginary knocking on the door, heart rate rises, concerned about getting to bed too early ...
Mama & Kiddo who do you know? How much did it cost you ;-)
ShikoMsa I don't even know if I have a local chief!!! Money has been poured to decrease the statistics on women with access to internet in this country ...
I finally got counted via security at the gate. I wonder what details they gave about what property I own. Lol.
I sheepishly state that I was also counted ... *head held down and shuffling feet*
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