Monday, June 22, 2009

Stranger than Fiction

Stranger than fiction is the story (read it here) of 18 year old Belgian girl called Kimberly who went into a tattoo parlour supposedly for 3 tattoos on the side of her face and came out with 56. There are many elements of this story that lead one to wonder. The single most troubling one to me is how you can wake up in the morning, choose to get a tattoo and go to a guy who looks like this for it:

So the chick who wanted 3 small stars left the parlour looking like this:

The girl supposedly fell asleep while getting them done and the guy just went on and on like the energizer bunny. How do you sleep when getting a tattoo, and especially a tattoo on your face? The guy says he'll pay for half of them to be removed and is happy with the publicity he's recieving.

It's a strange world indeed!


Mo said...

For some reason, I'm INCREDIBLY amused by this story. Poor thing.

Digzer said...

I wouldn't loose any sleep over the story either ... but I would loose many a nights rest if I bumped into that guy on a cold rainy evening.

S said...

What! Too much of something ain't good. 1 or 2 tattoos are fine. .anything more than that is plain disgusting.

Digzer said...

@ Sibbie Agreed. And painful!

Anonymous said...

ignorance is disgusting...and listen to anyway.tattoos are a choice, the amount doesnt matter.if it was one big one, would that calm your self-imposed sensibilities? i doubt it.idiots make idiotic choices.the above is case in point,tattoos or guess is you have never seen the amazing art that can be possible,and that probably costs more than your car.

Mo said...

About that girl, she retracted her story after being investigated. Apparently, she HAD wanted all those tattoos but she changed her mind afterwards and wanted to sue the poor tattoist over what was essentially her own fault.

Digzer said...

@ Annonymous, excessive tattoos give me the creeps. That's just me. Not to advise or warn anyone to keep away from getting them. If looking like this tattooist is your cup of tea, go right ahead. I will however avoid you should we cross paths in a dark alley.

@Mo, maybe she caught a copping from her Mom and had to come up with a tale! Strange world indeed! Or maybe they're secret lovers and she was getting him publicity...?

Unknown said...

Lying whore. You dont fall asleep when someone is doing a fucking "BZZZZT" tattoo on your fucking face. what a stupid bitch. Cant belive how everyone will side with her.gahd