Monday, October 11, 2010

Kenya -vs- Uganda

The Uganda Cranes & Harambee Stars met this weekend in what all expected to be a memorable clash. The Ugandans showed their solidarity for their team and travelled in huge numbers by all means possible including those great red Kampala Coaches. I was excited. My previous plans of going out of town were cancelled by The Hangover I had so I decided to at least settle down and watch the game, cheering from a distance as I was sure 3/4 of Kenya would (the other 1/4 being at the stadium). Promptly at 4pm I was seated at a bar in Westi ready to watch the unfolding action. What? Sorry? I mustn't have heard you right, are you saying it's not being televised on DSTV? That DSTV are showing some random Tanzanian game?(no offence (picked that from a Heartstrings Play I watched on Sunday)) These South Africans are terrible ... well OK, let's just watch it on Citizen or NTV. Now you must be joking. We're sure our athletes will do great but right now we want to watch the match! KBC? No? But wait ... stop ... read right there .. it says at the bottom that we can catch the match live on KBC Idhaa ya Taifa. WHAT?! That's KBC Radio?! (Choice expletives censored due to age range of audience)

How is it that I cannot watch my country play against a neighbouring country while the match unfolds in my own back yard!? Even those who bought VIP tickets like my pal were locked out! Shame shame. There was even a Ugandan guy on news who said that he'd bought VIP tickets and travelled for 2 days to watch the match only to be locked out. Shame shame!

I went back home and came to know of the score from TV when the daft radio presenter (not KBC but some other station) kept repeating "Kenya haijashinda" (refer to choice expletives above!)


Anonymous said...

I went there to throw stone over Migingo but no one was interested

Digzer said...

Lol!!! Maybe we can insist that the return match be near Migingo so we can set things straight!