Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Coast the 24 hour City Under the Sun

Was down at the Coast this weekend & it was really great! Coasto is probably the only place in this country where you can eat a meal from a roadside duka at 10pm (with no ill effects on the tummy), walk over to a rave joint at that hour and club hop on mats 'till your hotel at whatever hour of the a.m.! Niiiice! It's more likely to hit the 24 hour economy we've been hearing so much about than Nairobbery. Kudos on Nakumatt for trying but I wonder how much night time activity they see that's not linked to young guys buying booze at RRP to drink in their parking lots!

Have a 24-hour-thinking day!


Shiko-Msa said...

You were here Mombasa Raha? Guess it's too late to tell you karibu. I so know those tu-joints.

Don't forget you can also take away your food and drinks and dance the night away in the open air at Mama Ngina sea front. If one in the group has a car stereo you're good to go.

Digzer said...

:) Yours is the good life!!