Monday, January 15, 2007

Of Suspicions & Unworthy Lives

So they've gone & done it again! Forgive me but what the hell is wrong with the US? I'm ranting about the military intervention in Somali. What is wrong with these people? Does super power = super bully?

Not following my aruments huh? Where I come from is here. When I was much younger & watching CNN I heard about the US intervention in Iraq (Dessert storm) and heard countless stories of successful raids where a 'minimal' number of civilian casualties were reported (more often than not, the States claimed that the local reports on civillian death tolls were fabricated and over - exaggerated.) Then there was some strike in Afghanistan aimed at some Taliban/Al Quaeda base which instead hit some pharmacy. Even then, brave military faces stated that the attack had gone exactly as planned even though a 'few' civillians had died in the attack. This was when it first came to me that the reports were not totally honest and that the Americans did not have a great deal of respect for foreigners' lives.

So now they go to Somalia and through air missiles bomb some target where, hoorah, a suspected leader of an Al Quaeda Cell (suspected of masterminding the terrorist bombings in Kenya and Tanzania) is suspectedly killed. Please!!! And what was the price paid for this speculation? A 'few' civillian casualties; minimal price to pay for the 'possible' destruction of terrorists.

And they wonder why the war against terror is not being won? Wake up! I'd hate for the States to one day 'suspect' that my neighbour's a terrorist. It may lead to the total annihilation of my town. See what happened in Iraq over the suspected WMD's? I rest my case.

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